About PulsaMalaysia
What is PulsaMalaysia ?
PulsaMalaysia is a web application and that helps you in making your regular payments and purchases with just a few touches.
What are the features of the PulsaMalaysia?
We have a complete feature Topup All Operators, International Topup, Topup electricity (electric token), internet bill, Cable TV, Water payment and Voucher Games.
What International mobile topup are available in PulsaMalaysia?
For now PulsaMalaysia been providing International Topup for China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Philiphine.
How to transaction
How to start transaction?
Please make a register first, then you need to topup a deposit in the Topup Deposit menu. Please make payment in accordance accounts listed, and then confirm the deposit. Holaa you can make transactions.
Problems in Transactions, Cancellation and Refund
Is my registered numbers can make topup to another number?
Yes. you can
Why I can only reload 1x for the same nominal to the same number in one day?
We provide the best to our customers, therefore we limit your transactions so you are not charged 2x.
I've done topup electric but I have yet to get his code, what should I do?
Code electrical pulse can be seen in the Notifications menu.
How long pulse that I bought will go?
Your pulse will be entered in five seconds after you make the purchase.
I already have a deal, but my pulse not being entered, what should I do?
You can inform your order to us by calling 019-2573337. We are always ready to help you
What is Call Center operator of Telkomsel, XL and Indosat?
Please call 188 for Telkomsel, XL and 817 and 100 for Indosat.
How to Deposit
I am a new user PulsaMalaysia, what must I do to be able to start transaction?
Please do to register first, then you need to topup a deposit in the topup deposit menu. Please make payment in accordance accounts listed, and then confirm the deposit. Holaa you can make transactions.
Why do I need to make a deposit in PulsaMalaysia?
We have a complete feature Topup All Operators, International topup, Topup electricity (electric token), internet bill payment, Cable TV, Water and Voucher Games.
Whether my deposit in PulsaMalaysia can be scorched?
No. Your deposit will be valid forever.
How to topup a deposit?
To topup the deposit, please go to the topup deposit menu and select nominal deposit and the payment method to be used
Does PulsaMalaysia receive charging a deposit on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays?
Yes it does, we accept topup a deposit on the day.
How long will my deposit to be charged after I make a payment to topup the deposit?
if you make a transfer followed by a unique code inc 100 124, and include a deposit code when making a transfer, in 2 minutes, your deposit will automatically be added (no need to be confirmed).
What is the deposit code?
Deposit code is the code used in order for us to identify the source of incoming funds. This is an example of a deposit code DEPxxxxxx
I've done the topup of the deposit and make payments, but the deposit I have not been filled, what should I do?
Please send SMS / Whatsapp our customer service on 019-2573337 with the format [code deposit] on behalf of [name of sender] [bank name].
Does filling a deposit on PulsaMalaysia 24 hours?
We accept filling a deposit until 21:30 hours of the night, filling a deposit on top of these hours will be processed the next day.
Mobile Application
PulsaMalaysia Mobile app available for what operating system?
For now, PulsaMalaysia application is available for Android only. PulsaMalaysia application can be downloaded for free.
Why can not I find PulsaMalaysia app for Blackberry and Windows Phone?
For now, PulsaMalaysia app is only available for Android. You can make transactions easily through the website or mobile web PulsaMalaysia.
I'm looking for 'PulsaMalaysia' in the Google Play Store and the App Store, but did not find it,
You can download the PulsaMalaysia app for Android here.
Why I can not make transactions through the PulsaMalaysia Application?
Make sure your device is connected to the Internet and your PulsaMalaysia applications already the latest. If you still have problems, please contact our Customer Service at 019-2573337, we are ready to help.